Your Vote, Our Voice!

   The opportunity and ability of Registered Voters to effectively influence our elected representatives in between elections, to let them know our preferences and priorities on an ongoing basis, is something that has been missing from our democracy since its inception, because it was never physically possible to implement, until recently. We now possess the technology and online connectivity necessary to securely and accurately measure public sentiment, at scale, on any issue — nationally, regionally, and locally.

Pre-register below, to become an Advisory Voter when the Advisory Voting system goes “live.” By pre-registering, you may have the opportunity to participate in pre-launch beta testing, and provide your input regarding how advisory voting will work, and which issues should be addressed first. Prior to the official launch, you will have the opportunity to convert your pre-registration into your official, authenticated Advisory Voting Account, which has been reserved for Registered Voters. We won’t collect ANY data, except what it takes to authenticate your vote, note your ZIP code, and record your actual advisory vote, of course.

Pre-registration for your Advisory Voting Account is


A vote for the success of our democracy!

Spread the Word

 Can real democracy go viral?

If you want to support this historic initiative by We the People, help amplify the promise of Advisory Voting.

Spread the word via social media, email, and word of mouth.

The stakes couldn't be higher, and your participation will make a difference!